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Our Classrooms

Classes: Classes

3 and 4 Year Olds

Tuesday Thursday Classroom


4 and 5 Year Olds

Monday Wednesday Friday Classroom

For enrollment deadlines, rates and class availability, please contact a member of our team.

Daily Schedule

Committed to Excellence


Children arrive, meet with friends, choose and manage their own activities from a variety of areas in the classroom. Teachers greet children, manage classroom activities, ready to snack and assist when necessary. Teachers do not interfere in play unless children are unable to handle situations or need suggestions to get started.


Children are given a “5 minute” transition time to finish activities, clean up and get ready for Singing Time.

9:45-10:05 am SINGING TIME

It is structured time by the teachers. Children learn to sit and listen, cooperate, follow directions, sing, move, recognize letters, numbers and shapes. Themes are of interest of preschoolers. The “snack person” will talk about the snack brought to share.


Weather permitting, playground is offered each day. Children run, climb, jump, swing, pretend, yell, throw balls and ride bikes. Big Room activities include balls, balancing, eye-hand coordination games, running, parachute and more. Children are free to try activities alone or with others. Teacher watch and assist when needed.


Half of the class has Snack Time. Children make a decision on whether or not to eat snack. They serve themselves, pour their own water, visit together, use manners, clean up and get the energy boost young bodies need. After snack, independent activities are available in the room.

Half of the class has Muscle Room. Children develop their large muscles climbing, jumping, crawling and balancing. The Muscle Room, located downstairs, is visited daily for 10-15 minutes. Teachers are observant insuring safety. Teachers can talk children through trying new experiences but will not physically assist unless necessary for the child’s safety. Children usually try what they feel is safe.

The group exchanges places.

Transitions at the end of Snack time and Muscle Room Time

11:10-11:25 am STORY TIME

It is a quiet way to end the day. Teachers read a story. Reading books is one of the best ways to develop a love of reading in young children. It also encourages reading skills and prediction, expands vocabulary and lengthens attention span.

11:25-11:30 am GOING HOME

The last 5 minutes, children put coats on. They may look at books while waiting for their name to be called. Teachers release each child to an adult.

Classes: About

Classroom Areas

Each area in the classroom provides a variety of educational growth opportunities. Experiencing varied media and materials enhances a child's education. Preschoolers are encouraged to try different areas throughout the year.

The BIG BLOCK AREA promotes: cooperation, coordination, construction.

The PLAYDOUGH TABLE promotes: hand muscle coordination through the use of small tools and objects, relaxing play in a social situation.

The EASEL promotes: creativity, experimentation with different colors and media, name writing.

The COMPUTER helps develop: computer skills, taking turns, math skills, science skills, art, number recognition, and letter recognition.

The MANIPULATIVE TABLE provides for: cognitive skills, experimentation, construction, and creativity.

The SCIENCE SHELF promotes: the care of pets, a closer look at nature, measurements comparison.

The WATER TABLE includes: pouring, measuring, science concepts, sensory experience, social play, experimentation.

The COLLAGE TABLE develops: hand coordination, creativity, working with different media, writing skills.

The HOUSEKEEPING AREA promotes: pretending, imitation, social interaction.

Classes: Academics
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